Private Bloggins


My Scissors


Scissors used to be just scissors.  Cheap and replaceable.  I remember I used to carried three pair in various places on my gear and in one MCI managed to lose all three pair.  Something cheap and replaceable becomes invaluable at the worst of times.  “If you don’t want to lose it, tie it off!” was the old Army adage drilled into me, so it made sense to tie off my scissors.  They don’t look like they used to though.

My scissor set up with CTOMS FDE Trauma Shears, Rip Shears™ and Scissor Retractor Lanyard.


My scissors stowed in my vest, secured with a Rip Shears™ Retainer.

We’ve developed a retainer for the Rip Shears™ to protect it, protect other gear from snagging on it, and as a means to keep your scissors in place when they are stowed.  I don’t add gear like a dedicated scissor sheath as it adds weight and bulk I can’t justify when a row of PALS works great, especially when retained and tethered.  Those accessories I can justify.


 CTOMS Trauma Shears

Rip Shears™

CTOMS Trauma Shears Retractor


  1. Do you have that little rip shears cover for sale? Couldn’t find it, but it looks handy! I’ll order one if you have one.

  2. It’s a new product and should be up on the site by early next week. You can call the office an order now as they are in stock.

  3. @ Josh, just picked one up at a CTOMS training venue…handy piece of kit. Comes in MultiCam too!

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