Private Bloggins


New Online Patrol Officer Down (POD™) Survival Course Nearing Completion Date!


With a seven year track record of instructing world class Military and Law Enforcement Tactical Medicine, CTOMS™ is continuing the Evolution of Tactical Medicine™ with this program by bringing it to you online.

The online POD™ Survival Course continues to set the standard with a law enforcement environment specific focus regarding basic level casualty management where a direct threat exists. This course applies to any law enforcement personnel who may find themselves using their firearm in self defense and/or in protection of the public. Completing the POD™ Survival Course will give you the confidence, knowledge and necessary skill transfer that are directly and immediately applicable in conducting self-aid and first aid in a direct threat environment.

The course will be available without the Practical Training Component (PTC) to any current serving officer and with a PTC to all agencies, including a Train the Facilitator Course for organic training cadre’s to facilitate a sustainable program of the agency’s entire force.  This model allows agencies with a sustainable program that can be adopted anywhere in the world.  It can be translated into any language.

International and cross continent/cross country distribution of the program will be facilitated by our associate training companies set up in geographical regions.  They will administrate and provide Train the Facilitator courses locally.

Launch date for the POD™ is anticipated winter 2013 with the Tactical Officer Down (TOD™) Survival launching spring 2014.

Contact CTOMS™ here with any questions or to have a POD™ Survival Program Statement of Capabilities sent to you.

The difference is in the delivery.  The difference is in the details.

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